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Rainer J. Gallitzendörfer works as an independent developer in the following fields:

This impressive list of skills, which Gallitzendörfer usually sends as a large "projects&skills profile" to seriously interested business partners, (-mostly in the form of excerpts-) certainly could not be accumulated within some few years. Gallitzendörfer is an experienced developer who augmented his skills step-by-step over many years.

The intention behind this was to be able to develop products within the audio field, especially electronic musical instruments, completely by himself, without the need of other specialists. This has nothing to do with a possible lack of ability to act as a "team-player" ! There are many custom-projects with could not have been realized without many people involved and interacting, especially at larger companies.

But: Every heavily involved creative person of any kind will immediately understand what great situation arises from this fact: It is like paradise to realize any idea within such a complex field like the modern electronics technology of today - only powered by the own brains capacity ! This is the chance of "modelling" products like artists creating their artworks.

Every coin has its two sides, however: The other side here is the incapability of understanding by some subjects with less phantasy (e.g. you may read this article), which can be get over; the rigid tax policy, - only few countries having the same degree like Germany -, which primarily acts as an "innovation prevention policy" for small companies; the growing migration drift of high tech companies which could have been potential customers for developers like Gallitzendörfer: Only within the first quarter of 2008, the following companies have announced to reduce their employees in Germany by some thousands during this year, while building up employment capacities within other countries at the same time: NOKIA (will completely close their manufactory in Germany), SIEMENS, TELEKOM, BMW, OPEL, and others...

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